Populate the side area with widgets, images, navigation links and whatever else comes to your mind.
18 Northumberland Avenue, London, UK
(+44) 871.075.0336
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What We Do

Designed and built with care, filled with creative
elements and useful options.



Produced and crafted with care.

You need people to understand how your product or service works before they lose interest. You also need to make sure it’s unique, memorable and gets the viewer to interact with your idea. Whether it is through live action video, graphic animation to illustrate a conceptual idea, an animated tutorial or through hand-drawn characters animated to tell your story or increase your brand recognition, we have the creative energy to help give your idea the visualisation it needs to get noticed!

Web Design

& Build.

Experienced designers & developers combined

Our crack development team delivers the nerdy goods with intuitive UI, quality code & easy to maintain responsive sites. We believe in a simple 3 step method to great projects…Dream, Design, and Develop. Focusing on more than just logos and websites, we offer a wide array of experience and services to help you launch your brand successfully.  Find out more!

Creative Thinking

& Branding Design.

Brands that rise above the noise, win.

WHC helps companies push their brands to the next level. Our team offers a holistic approach to branding, a rise-above attitude, and a passion for bold thinking in all we do. For each client, we go beyond a set of deliverables to operate as a strategic partner. We are an extension of your vision and once you’re a client, we’ve got your back.

Learning &


Transform your online learning experience.

Collaborate with our team to create unique and engaging content that enhances the learning experience. From analysis to design, production to support and training, we ensure that great online delivery becomes an integral part of your teaching approach.

SMS beats

Email & Social

SMS Marketing Campaigns or Updates

WHC can also help you to contact your market directly via text message.  If you thought SMS was just for announcements and confirmations, think again. Use SMS marketing to boost conversion rates, foster loyalty, and build lifelong customer relationships for your clients. Find out more!

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